Catherine Ransquin

Catherine Ransquin

Who am I ?

Since choosing to study communication and anthropology, a common theme in my professional growth has always been a curiosity about human functioning and the question of relationships, communication and interaction between people.

I started working in the international aid sector for seven years, primarily in sub-Saharan Africa as well as in Asia, the Balkans and the United States, with international NGOs, the United Nations and the Red Cross Movement. Through these experiences, I was able to expand my ability to be open to others, to create partnerships, and to seek human universality and social dynamics beyond cultural differences.

These years of living in countries with conflict and crises such as Rwanda, Burundi, Ivory Coast, Kosovo, and Afghanistan forced me to have to manage high levels of stress and to discover within myself and within others the resiliency required to cope with critical changes.

I also worked for 6 years in Belgium as the Operational Program Manager for the Belgian Red Cross, dealing with aspects of team management, recruitment, training and evaluating employees, project development and management, strategic development and leadership.

After two years of coaching training and training coaches with the BAO group, I switched gears to work full-time as an independent trainer/consultant on issues that affect well-being in the workplace, team and organisational performance, combined with individual balance.

At the same time, I support people with individual coaching to help them to deploy their full potential and redefine their personal and professional goals.

Managing yourself and your emotions, effective communication, team cohesion and conflict management are topics I frequently facilitate in team coaching. Stress management and preventing burnout are other priority topics unfortunately too real. As a mother of three children, I know exactly what it means to juggle between professional and family life and the challenge it can represent.



1998 - Masters in Social Communications (Continuing Education and Socio-Cultural Development) (IHECS – Institut Hautes Etudes Communications Sociales)

1999 – Advanced Masters in Social and Cultural Anthropology (ULBUniversité Libre de Bruxelles)

2011-12 - Certificate as Coach and Coach Trainer (BAO Group)

2016 – Systemic, interactional and strategic approach in organisations (CFIP)



Catherine Ransquin


106 Avenue Léopold Wiener, 1170 Brussels

+32 486 16 33 12